sharing food

sharing food

Sophie has died

Our beautiful Sophie Magpie has passed away.

Yesterday afternoon, despite having shaken off the flu, Sophie still had her eye trouble, and after so long not feeding herself and only eating bread and cheese, was looking shaky on her legs. Also yesterday was, after a warm dry spell, both continuously raining and very cold. She also refused to come down from the bank (about four feet high) to our back yard for food, and we had to throw it up onto the bank for her.

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Surprise Guests Drop In For A Spot of Lunch

A cloudy day and the rainbow lorikeets are flying over to the fruit trees in the neighbouring paddocks.  Our mulberries have long been eaten and  we haven't seen our old friends for some weeks now.  The magpies and butcherbirds have been chatting.  Wendy magpie is now two years old and almost fully adult colours.  Except for her size which is slightly bigger than Sophie, she is really hard to distinguish from her older sister, especially from a distance.   Kerry butcherbird too is two years old and almost adult colours and similarly difficult to tell apart from his older brother Dimpy (now

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Lynell's Maggie - A Reader's Tale

Reader Lynell sent us this story and pictures:

28 Jan 08:

It’s so nice to find a site that features Magpies. I just wanted to share some photos of my Maggie. We actually had a Mum & Dad live here for the past 3 years. 

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Sneaky Karitu - But Karivon Wins the Day

The magpies, currawongs, butcherbirds, noisy-miners - they are all friends and interact daily in many ways. They play with each other, negotiate with each other, tease each other and help each other.  This slideshow tells a really cute story that we have seen played out in many variations.

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Baby Wendy's First Visit

These shots were taken on the first day that Vicky brought Wendy to our backyard.  Wendy had been out of the nest for only a few days.  Magpie chicks have dark plumage while they are still in the nest, their plumage lightens when they come out.  From the colour of Wendy's chest, it seems that she had not yet lightened when she came out of the nest.  Vicky trusts us and is quite confident in bringing her young chick to mix with the others.  Renuthri (noisy-miner) and Sophie (two years of age) were in a trance on the bank when Vicky scatters them on her way down to get some food for Wendy.  D

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